Tift County Sheriff's Press Release: Meth Lab Found, 2 Arrests Made

Thomas Edward McDonald
On May 10, 2016, Tift County Deputies responded to a drug tip at 4466 Highway 319 South in Tift County. When arriving at the residence deputies spotted what they believed to be a Methamphetamine lab. Upon the discovery, deputies called agents with the Mid-South Narcotics Task Force, which the Tift County Sheriff’s Office is part of, for assistance in the case. After drug agents arrived enough probable cause was developed to obtain a search warrant for the residence.

Once the search warrant was obtained agents that were trained in clandestine lab operations searched the residence and discovered six “one-pot” meth labs. The “one-pot” lab is the easiest and one of the most dangerous ways of making methamphetamine. This method uses one container to manufacture the methamphetamine but the process causes an extremely high amount of pressure to build up inside the container. This method can and will cause an explosion if not performed properly.

Agents also discovered five HCL gas generators inside the residence. HCL gas is made by mixing certain acids with other ingredients which then form Hydrogen Chloride Gas or HCL. The HCL gas is used to convert the methamphetamine, which is in liquid from when produced in the “one-pot” lab, to crystals and in turn crystal methamphetamine.

Agents also found numerous other materials used to manufacture methamphetamine in the residence and seized the items as part of the investigation. The methamphetamine lab was rendered safe by the agents who are trained to handle hazardous waste and will be properly disposed of.
Lyris Elizabeth Parson

Arrested during the incident were 34 year old Thomas Edward McDonald and 35 year old Lyris Elizabeth Parson. Both were charged with manufacturing methamphetamine and are being held at the Tift County Jail. This investigation is ongoing and more arrests may be made.