What Is Really Going On Between The City of Tifton and Tift County Regarding The Fire Departments?

Inquiring minds want to know!
Here are some question we are seeking answers to:

  1. Who got their panties in a wad first and why?
  2. Who initiated the split and what were the reasons given?
  3. Did the public have any say so in what transpired? If no, why not?
  4. Is it going to cost taxpayers money through additional taxes whether they be residents of the city or county? (Keep in mind, city residents reside and vote in both.)
  5. Will insurance rates be going up or down for the city or county respectively?
  6. Who should voters hold accountable?
  7. What are safety and property concerns involved?
Since this is being posted to our Facebook page, please feel free to chime in with your comments there or you may also send us a private message there as well. Our Facebook page is located at www.facebook.com/tiftareanews

We have a staff member who is also looking into this issue and you might want to check back as we will hopefully have an update soon.